Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Last weekend we took the boys to meet Santa (well, someone who was pretending to be Santa). They thought it was great and didn't know any different.

Burke, as you can see, wanted to pull off his beard. We're glad he didn't, as there would have been several disappointed kids there :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Program

Tonight was the boys' Holiday program. The infants had a "fashion show", which was super cute and the rest of the classes sang a few songs each. Brayden's class sang "Rudolph" and then did the "Reindeer Pokey". It was cute. Here are a few pics I took of the boys. We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Almost X-mas

What's new with the Sicklers? Not much. It's hard to believe that in a little over a week, Christmas will be here already. We are all preparing for that one. Brayden is soo excited- it's so much fun to see him this year, now that he "gets" what is going on.
Speaking of Brayden, he's doing great. He's doing well at school and he's learning to write his name, and doing an awesome job at it- he can now recognize some numbers/letters and write the first 2-3 letters in his name, without help. He's very excited about sports and has decided he wants to be in hockey (yay!) again so I think we'll get him some skating lessons again this year. He is a typical 3 year old and has his difficult "moments", but he makes us laugh every day.
Burke is doing awesome these days. Since we got his eating issues under control and put him on a special formula for his milk intolerance, he's been wonderful. He was great before, but he's feeling so much better now. Every day this past week (except one) he's slept through the entire night (from about 7pm-6am) without even waking up once!! And daycare says he's doing awesome and has gotten nothing but great reports. They say he's been SUPER happy there. That has been such a relief for us to see him lately. He's been trucking right along too with crawling, pullinh himself up, etc. He even started to climb the stairs this week- we have to watch him like a hawk! He also got ear tubes this week and so far, he's done well. No issues at all. Hopefully this will be the end of the constant ear infections for him too. I've also started him with some people food- nothing major, but he can eat some of the Gerber Graduate things- the "puffs", "yogart melts" (cut in half), and he even had some very small pieces of toast this morning when we went to breakfast. He loves it and has done excellent with it. I'm sad he's growing up so fast, but love seeing all the new things he does every day. He is a joy.
As for mom and dad, we're eating up all the uninterrupted sleep we've been getting and we're trying to get everything sorted out for X-mas. This past weekend, we got to visit Mindy and Dusty and their new house, which was fun and they got the kids some great gifts. From here until after X-mas, we're "booked". Next week is the kids' holiday program and then next weekend we are visiting Santa so I'll probably post then with some pics. We hope everyone has a great holiday.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another Side to the Sickler Family...

Ok, So I know most of my posts are showing healthy, happy kids, and most of the time, that is what I come home to every day. But, as I was changing the memory card in our camera tonight, and looking through all of the pictures, I couldn't resist this post....We too, are just like every other "normal" family. :-) ENJOY!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm getting so BiG!

Well, Burke is doing well and has officially moved from rolling to crawling- and he's very quick! We have to be at the top of our game. This last week, he also learned to start pulling himself up on things and he got two teeth! I can't believe how fast he's growing up!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sickler Update

Nothing too much to report over the last couple weeks. Burke will be 7 months this week and is now officially crawling- properly- and he's in to EVERYTHING. He's also able to go from sitting-crawling and crawling-sitting and tonight he tried to pull himself up onto the step. Seriously- where is this coming from? Brayden did none of this until 10.5 months+. We're not used to babyproofing the house at 6 months! :) Well, we'll take it. I know I said we would be sleeping through the night by now and most nights we're close, but we're still working on it. Burke has had numerous ear infections (6) since August and unfortunetly he's not sleeping the best when he has an ear infection. But, he's getting tubes 12/4 and hopefully that will help.
We're all very excited around here about X-mas. This is the one time of year I get to use the phrase "Ok then, I'm telling Santa." And, it TOTALLY works. Brayden wants everything he sees. We can't take him near the toy section right now. He goes nuts.
We will be visited by Grandpa and Grandma sickler and Aunt Steph and cousin Cam next week, which should be a good time, we haven't seen them since July/August. Also this week, we will be served pie and juice at the kids' school for Thanksgiving- that's always a cute day. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Giggles

Brayden is the best at getting Burke to giggle. Here's a short clip of him doing his thing (he doesn't have to do much...) and making his little brother giggle.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Grand Rios

Last weekend we went to the Grand rios hotel and spent the
weekend hanging with Grandma Carol, Uncle Eddie and Jaimee. We were able to hit the waterpark a few times. Brayden LOVED it. Here are a few pics from our weekend. Uncle Eddie and Daddy were using the tubby to keep their beers cool (we forgot the cooler) so we had to bathe Burke in the sink.... it looked so cute I had to post that pic too.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween / Kindercare Party

Last week was the annual Kindercare Harvest Party a.k.a. Halloween Party. It was lots of fun- the kids got to dress up and go into the different classrooms and see their teachers dressed up as well. The played games, trick or treated, had a dance party and got to see all their little friends dressed up as well.

This is Brayden and his friend, Sidney:

Brayden and his friend, Isaiah:

Darth Vader and Baby Yoda (bet you can't guess who these kiddos are...)

Darth Vader!- How Scary!

Pumpkin Carving

Last night we carved our pumpkins. Brayden loved it. Burke was
snoozin', but he'll get the chance next year. Ok, so we're not the most creative pumpkin makers you've ever seen. The patterns that came with the kit looked WAY too complicated and when you have two kids, who has the time?? :) Hey, we tried.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

6 Months

Burke turned 6 months old yesterday. I know I say his often, but I really cannot believe how fast the time has gone and that it has already been 6 months since we brought our little Burkie into this world. We couldn't imagine our family without him.

He's growing more and more every day. Today at his 6 month appt, he weighed 16lbs, 8oz (32nd percentile) and was 26.25 inches tall (44th percentile). This week was also a week of milestones- he started to crawl/scoot a bit, he's been sitting unassisted for brief periods of time and he actually slept through the night as well. I'm sure I just jinxed myself by saying that...

Some of Burke's favorite things are eating bananas or peas, playing with his big brother, bath time, rolling around on the floor playing with toys, his blankie and his Nuk. Our favorite things about Burke are his toothless grin and deep gut giggle, his tiny and short little chub legs, his big, brown eyes, his super loud babble and the huge smile we get every time we go get him out of his crib. The past six months has been filled with challeges and joys, but most of all......great memories.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Attempt 1 at Crawling....

Burke decided this weekend that he wants to crawl now and he is almost there. He wants to soo bad. It's so cute- I'm sure he'll be around the house in no time. Check out this new video of him trying his hardest to crawl.

The Three B's, Part II

This weekend we hosted the Pace family and got some cute, updated pictures of the boys. Yes, they all have the same, matching pajamas. :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Updated Pics

Just some cute, updated pics we took last weekend... ENJOY!