Friday, February 27, 2009


Just thought I'd update with some new, current pictures of the boys. ENJOY!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

10 Months

Happy 10 months Burke- we love you!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's day to all our friends and family!! The boys are doing awesome! Burke is a curious, funny, loving little boy who we are lucky to have in our family. He's doing some standing and can take a step or two now, but isn't walking yet. He says "dada" and "mama" now frequently and loves his Nuk and blankie. He's been sleeping great (FINALLY) and eats all "people" foods now- he refuses baby food. He's not a baby anymore! He'll be 10 months old in a week and I can't believe it.
Brayden is doing great in school and is such a smart little boy! He is learning letter recognition and knows most of them now. He's also active in skating and also can almost beat the pants of his mommy and daddy in Wii bowling. (sad, but true) :)
The boys both celebrated Valentine's day at school this week and they both had special shirts for the occasion. They both got such nice Valentines from their friends!!
And Brayden made a beautiful Valentine's art project for his mommy and daddy.
Mom's little sweet heart...
Brayden is not the only one who had a Valentine's meltdown from all the hype and excitement! (and sugar, in Brayden's case) It's just such a cute picture, I had to...
We hope everyone is doing well and has a great Valentine's day!

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Carseat

Well, Burke has almost graduated to the next level of carseats. He can still fit into his infant seat, but he's getting a bit heavy to carry around. So, we purchased a new carseat for him, along with a snowsuit/jacket. Burke seemed to enjoy trying his new carseat out. And, of course, big brother Brayden loved the big box it came in.