Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I have been slightly obsessed with my Digital Scrapbook Software lately....I am just a beginner, but plan to do an annual scrapbook. So far, I have completed 2008 and 2009. To view, click on the links below. ENJOY!




Sunday, January 16, 2011


This year Brayden wanted to try basketball. So, we signed him up for it through Farmington Community Ed...the only near area we could get him on a team. Most areas/schools around here were 1st grade- up. He LOVED it. And, he was actually really good at it. He scored every single games, usually multiple times. The season ended last week - here are a few shots from the final night. Although I'd like to see him continue with it, he's been non-stop talking about being in hockey again. SO, we'll see what next winter brings I guess....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


SO proud of this little guy....

We're potty trained! And, no pull-ups except for night-time. He's doing Great!
We're sleeping in a big boy bed too!!! (this one, a BIT more challenging...)
AND, we no longer have a nuk! We gave them to Santa for "the sick babies" and Santa gave him toys in exchange. This one, pretty easy with the exception of a momentary relapse when he found one in the toy box. BUT, we recovered and are back on track!
BIG changes for a little guy- all within a 2 week period. it was an adjustment for all, but he's done so well and handled it so good. We couldn't be prouder!


The kids were so spoiled, I mean blessed this Christmas season! They got tons of stuff and we had a great time.
Our Pillow Pets!!!
Mom and Dad
Burke, "giving" his Nuks to Santa (so far so good!)
Mom and her boys
The whole fam on Christmas day
We have some great friends and family!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa 2010

Instead of paying $20+ for a picture and waiting in line for 1+ hours at the mall (my kids don't do lines...), we decided to take the kids to Pump it Up this year for a Santa visit. It was $22 total for both kids (and us), we played on the slides (and wore out the kids) for 2 hours, made a craft, ate donuts and cupcakes, got a grab bag and got to visit with the jolly old man and take as many free pictures as I wanted. It was awesome! The kids loved it!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fall Pics

We had fall pics done in October with Buena Farrell and I think they turned out great. Here are a few of my favorites!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Our October was quite eventful! We did the usual fall activities, dressed up for Halloween and celebrated my brother Eddie's wedding. Overall, we are doing well! Brayden is absolutely LOVING Kindergarten and started basketball this past week. He is really enjoying that. He chose to play basketball this year instead of hockey and so far, he's happy with his decision. And Burke, well, he's being his adventurous self. He's very into Special Agent Oso right now and he LOVES trucks, cars and anything boy. We're working on giving up the Nuk. He's is accepting the fact that he's "giving it to Santa for the babies" in exchange for what he says will be "Oso toys and cars." We'll see.
Here are some pics from October...
At Sever's corn maze...(SO fun!)
In the corn pit at Severs....the kids LOVED this.

We went to the Fire Station Open House. The kids got to shoot the water from the hose. They could have sat and did that ALL day I think.

My Brother's wedding...my mom and I
My dad and I...
Me and Steve
Brayden's pic of me and Steve....Not too bad!

The lovely bride and groom!
At the daycare Harvest party..Burke with Buzz! (aka Ben)
Carving pumpkins with dad
On Halloween- Burke was loving the green hair!
We trick or treated with a few kids in the neighborhood that go to our daycare. The kids (and parents) had a blast!

Overall, it was a very good October. Exhausting, but fun! It's almost time to trim the tree! I can't believe how fast the holidays are approaching.
We can't wait!