Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa 2010

Instead of paying $20+ for a picture and waiting in line for 1+ hours at the mall (my kids don't do lines...), we decided to take the kids to Pump it Up this year for a Santa visit. It was $22 total for both kids (and us), we played on the slides (and wore out the kids) for 2 hours, made a craft, ate donuts and cupcakes, got a grab bag and got to visit with the jolly old man and take as many free pictures as I wanted. It was awesome! The kids loved it!


chandra said...

Great pic and idea. We went to gerten' it is $5/child and you can take as many pics as you want too. Mrs. Claus reads stories and they have cookies. I agree, waiting in line at the mall is crazy and expensive!

april_sickler said...

Awesome- we might have to try that next year- your pics were great and the price is right. we saw the worst Santa ever last year and the kids were just as excited...they don't care :) I just can't do the 1- 1.5 hour wait at the mall, etc. Sure, I could shop/go eat/etc. while we wait, but with my kids all of those things are difficult these days! ;)