Wednesday, January 12, 2011


SO proud of this little guy....

We're potty trained! And, no pull-ups except for night-time. He's doing Great!
We're sleeping in a big boy bed too!!! (this one, a BIT more challenging...)
AND, we no longer have a nuk! We gave them to Santa for "the sick babies" and Santa gave him toys in exchange. This one, pretty easy with the exception of a momentary relapse when he found one in the toy box. BUT, we recovered and are back on track!
BIG changes for a little guy- all within a 2 week period. it was an adjustment for all, but he's done so well and handled it so good. We couldn't be prouder!


brilfamily said...

way to go Burke! Now come over and teach Noah how to get rid of the nuk and potty train him!!! :)

april_sickler said...

LOL....I thought we were done for when he found the random nuk. ;) It's like baby crack. He was SO addicted! ;) Good luck!